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United States
I am currently a Sociology Graduate Student at the University of Texas, San Antonio (UTSA). One of my main interests is mass communication/media and comedy; how all these relate to our world and the exploration of our society.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Overspent America

This clip is a brief overview of a study on "The Overspent America, Why We Spend What We Don't Have".  It looks at history and how we as American's work more hours and spend a lot more money on consumer goods.  When back in the day, the American dream was a house with a white picket fence, a car, and 2.2 kids.  That was really it.  However, now that car is a luxury car...that house is a mansion....and then add all the toys and random luxuries we try to acquire.  The American Dream as been blown way out of proportion.  We work harder and longer hours to acquire more money, to buy stuff we really don't need.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting article! It think that it may have to deal with a few things. A lot of Americans can't think for the future in the long run so its hard to save up for feature spending's. So when occupations in today's society is what pretty much defines you, buying a product that we really shouldn't be purchasing gives some sort of satisfaction. I think this could be said for all class
